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CPF validator

With our tool, you can check if CPFs are valid without worrying about query limits. We provide two possible statuses for each CPF: "Valid CPF" and "Invalid CPF". This way, you can ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information quickly and easily.

Validate CPF

The Document That Identifies You to the World

CPF, or Cadastro de Pessoa Física, is a fundamental document for every Brazilian citizen. It's more than just a number—it's the key to accessing a range of services and ensuring your identity with the government and society. In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about CPF and how it impacts your life.

What is CPF and What is it Used For?

CPF is a document issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service that identifies each individual taxpayer to the government. It serves as a unique record for each person, allowing them to participate in various financial and legal activities, such as opening a bank account, making purchases on credit, participating in public contests, among others.

How to Obtain a CPF?

To obtain a CPF, you need to go to a post office, Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, or a certified Banco do Brasil branch. You can also request issuance online through the Federal Revenue Service website. In the case of minors, CPF can be requested by parents or legal guardians.

What Documents are Required to Get CPF?

To get CPF, you need to present an official identification document with a photo, such as RG, driver's license, or passport, and, in the case of minors, the identification document of the legal guardian.

CPF and its Importance

CPF is essential for various day-to-day activities, from the simplest, such as grocery shopping, to the most complex, such as financial transactions and participation in selection processes. Additionally, CPF is used for income tax declaration and is mandatory for those who want to open a business or work as a freelancer.

Care with CPF

Because it's sensitive information, it's important to take some precautions with CPF to avoid problems like fraud and identity theft. Never share your CPF with strangers and avoid exposing the number in public documents or on social networks. Additionally, it's important to be vigilant about possible scams that use CPF for fraud.

CPF in the Digital Age

With the advancement of technology, CPF has gained even more importance, being used in various online transactions. It's important to pay attention to the security of your data when making purchases online and always check the reputation of the companies you're dealing with. Additionally, it's recommended to use protective tools, such as antivirus and firewalls, to ensure the security of your information.


CPF is much more than just a number—it's your identity to the world. Therefore, it's important to take care of it attentively and ensure its security. Keep your documents in a safe place, avoid sharing personal information with strangers, and always be vigilant about possible frauds. With proper care, CPF will continue to be your passport to a range of opportunities and services throughout your life.